Le Culture delle Ande Centro Meridionali

By Luckyjor

Ceramica Inca

THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO - Inca, Probably vicinity of Cuzco, Perù. Cerimonial Vessel (Aryballos), AD. 1400/1532 Ceramic and pigment 78x x 49 cm. (max) Kate S. Buckingham Endowment, 1955.2214.


THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO - Inca, Probably vicinity of Cuzco, Perù. Plate Depicting Suche Fish and Peppers, AD. 1450/1532 Ceramic and pigment. 7,6x x 23,7 cm. Kate S. Buckingham Endowment, 1955.2223.


MUSEO CHILENO DE ARTE PRECOLOMBINO - Figura Ictiomorfa, Cultura Inca (Area Andes Centrales), 1470-1532 d.C.. 286 mm. largo.


THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO -Chimu'- Inca,Lambayeque Valley, noth coast,Perù. Ritual Vessel Representing a Woman Carryng a Cerimonial Vessel (Aryballos) and Nursing a Child, AD. 1200/1450. Ceramic and pigment 23,9 x 18,4 cm. Kate S. Buckingham Endowment, 1955.2411.