Le Culture delle Ande Centro Meridionali

By Luckyjor

Tessuti Lambayeque (Sican)

WILLIAM SIEGAL GALLERY - Gauze Shirt, Cotton, camelid wool/natural dyes. Lambayeque Culture, North Coast of Perù; 900-1470 A.D. 29 x 55 inches.


THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO - Lambayeque, Probably north coast, Perù. Panel, A.D. 1000/1476. Cotton and woool (camelid). 62,6 x 26,6 cm. Kate S. Buckingham Endowment, 1955.1765


THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO - Lambayeque, Probably north coast, Perù. Panel, A.D. 1000/1476. Cotton and woool (camelid). 69,5 x 47 cm. Kate S. Buckingham Endowment, 1955.1759


THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO - Lambayeque, Probably north coast, Perù. Fragmentl, A.D. 1000/1476. Cotton and woool (camelid). 89,9 x 41 cm. Kate S. Buckingham Endowment, 1955.1684